Wednesday, June 06, 2007

>>Bowling for colombain two<<

The children are the great victims of the physical or psychic maltreatment in the home. In the children, the effect of the violence is too great. They are accumulating anxiety upheavals, become depresive people, with a considerable increase of the aggressive conduct. In the adult age, these children have more possibilities of suffering mental upheavals and suicidal conducts.
In my opinion it is an abuse made they very important, and it seems to me very worrisome, because soon when they grow they make much more violent and if they have a fiance can the same do her to him and to its children

Thursday, April 19, 2007

>>The Sahara<<

It is the greatest desert of the world,it has more than 2.5 million years.Its name comes Arab, This desert border joint party with almost all the countries of North Africa:Argelia, Túnez, Marruecos, Sahara Occidental, Mauritania, Níger, Libia, Egipto y Chad.The Sahara is happening for a moment very hard at the moment,because Marruecos it has thrown to him of his country, and have made a wall constructed with mines so that cannot happen,pass much hunger and they do not have means to be developed.When Morocco invaded the Sahara, the Spanish government gave the back him and he did not do anything by them.

In my opinion, it is a country that is there passing it very badly and we do not do anything to him of case,I would like to go to the Sahara to help to that they can have a better school, food etc.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

>> Fallas <<

The Fallas them it is a very important event in Valencia. He lasts four days, but during a month in the city hall square they do “mascletas”, also they put a monument that represents each miss, and last day by the night, one burns. Every night do a called castle of firework “la nit del foc”, you fail them personally they seem very amusing to me and that not alone I like they went four days. Also people one dresses up as falleros and some very beautiful dresses similar to that of period that are walking around the streets, take, I am not fallera but liked being him always opened me.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


First, 24 of december is Christmas eve"noche buena" and we go to our familys house, and here we eat, and eat, and eat a lot. And this night the spanish "Santa Clauss"(Papa Noel) Come to the childrens house and left there some gifts because 25 of december, Is the christmas day. And this day we also go to our family house and here we eat, and eat, and eat a lot, other time. Is very typical to eat Turrones, Polvorones, Roscon de Reyes, and a lot of more things. The day 31 is New Year's Eve, and it is celebrated taking twelve grapes simultaneously that they sound the twelv "campanadas" ones that announce the New Year. It is tradition to take an article of red color to have luck in the love in the next year, and to finish day 6 of January, the magical kings of west bring more Christmas presents, during all these dates he is typical to eat "turrones" and "mazapanes"of dessert.


Monday (18 - 12 - 2006) gave the first prize to Us, by the aid who we appeared the passed course, Maria our English teacher was very very happy!. Madda, a student of my class, represented all the students and spoke in name of all. The prize was in the "Paraninfo" of the Valencia's university. In the middle of the "awards", suddenly was enter Carmen Alborch, she is a important politician of Valencia, before she was an a minister. all went very well, I by estrascolares I could not attend.